Raising money for your organization has never tasted so good! Any non-profit can register for a Dough Share Night. Your organization will receive 15% of sales generated during the length of your event.
Dough Share
Benny’s loves to give back to the communities that show us support. At Benny’s, we’ve decided to help non-profits raise money in the most delicious way possible. Eating pizza! Any non-profit organization can register for a Dough Share Night and Benny’s will donate a portion of sales directly back to your organization. All we ask is that you are present for the hours of your event and that you advertise on your social media account.

Fine Print
A 501c3 or a W9 form may be required for all participating organizations. Upon confirmation of registration, each organization will receive a customizable flyer. Contact information and mailing address is required. Payment will be sent via a bill pay check within 14 days.
Once your request is approved, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with a customizable flyer just for your organization. Benny’s has raised over $1,200 in a single Dough Share event!